BUJUMBURA, February 27th (ABP) – Three young girls trained in basketry at the Kamenge craft training centre (CFA) told ABP that basketry is a trade that contributes to the fight against unemployment and to the development of the country.
Diane Muhimpundu, Feza Irankunda and Deline Kantungire Mukama, whom we met on Monday 24 February 2025, in the urban area of Kamenge, in the Bujumbura town hall, said that they had not had the chance to complete their undergraduate studies. However, they said, “we have a vision of creating our own jobs in order to combat youth unemployment”.
Young Muhimpundu, one of the girls who took the training at the CFA in Kamenge, said that she had previously wanted to take the sewing course, but then weighed up the pros and cons of sewing and basketry, and finally opted for basketry as her first option.
As for Deline Kantungire Mukama, it’s difficult to open your own workshop when you have no capital. But, she says, joining forces with others is an asset for development, because there is strength in numbers.
According to Mrs. Irankunda Feza, the basket-making trade provides a living for their families, adding that when she got married, she was able to help set up her home thanks to the fees she collected from her trade.
Mrs Kantungire Mukama invited young Burundians to follow training courses in various trades and to change their mentality so as to avoid taking part in idle spaces such as the ligalas.
They are asking the State and other benefactors to support them financially so that they can achieve their objectives.
The Kamenge craft training centre is a Chinese initiative aimed at helping young Burundians to develop.