PAEEJ is a major donor of funding for young Burundians
BUJUMBURA, March 7th (ABP) – The Economic empowerment and youth employment programme (PAEEJ) is a major source of funding for young Burundians. It helps to improve the employment prospects of…
The administration welcomes the contribution of Burundi Brewery to development
NGOZI, March 7th (ABP) – The councillor in charge of legal affairs for Ngozi province, Mr Paul Niyonzima, is pleased with the contribution made by Burundi Brewery, based in Vyerwa,…
Official launch of the 100% electric motorbike manufacturing project
BUJUMBURA, March 7th (ABP) – ELECTROMECA held a press conference in Bujumb ura on Friday 28 February 2025 to officially launch its project to manufacture 100% electric motorbikes. Speaking at…
Burundians urged not to attach importance to rumours circulating on social networks
KAYANZA, March 7th (ABP) – The Speaker of the National Assembly, Daniel Gélase Ndabirabe, has asked Burundians to remain calm and not to listen to rumours circulating on social networks…
Administrative staff and the population called upon to take the lead in realising the national vision
BUJUMBURA, February 27th (ABP) – The secretary of the CNDD-FDD party in the extended commune of Mukaza, William Ndayimirije, made a visit to the Buyenzi area on Sunday 23 February…
Young people have invested in the manufacture of mills and the rewinding of engines to combat unemployment
NGOZI, February 27th (ABP) – In an interview with ABP on Thursday 20 February 2025, young people belonging to the Master Welding Company “MAWELCO” cooperative, which manufactures mills, rewinds motorcycles…
The cooperative “Sangwe” of Rukanu, has inaugurated a building erected with its own means
KAYANZA, February 19th (ABP) – The members of the cooperative “Sangwe” of Rukanu, in Gahombo commune, Kayanza province, proceeded, last Saturday, to the inauguration of a building that will house…
Presentation of the 5-year achievements in Muyinga province and exchange of New Year greetings
MUYINGA, February 18th (ABP) – Administrative authorities must work diligently to improve the quality of the services assigned to them. This was said on Saturday, February 15, 2025 by Jean…
Half-yearly evaluation of the achievements of the Burundi Buhire project funded by the NGO Welthungerhilfe
KIRUNDO, February 18th (ABP) – The NGO Welthungerhilfe, in partnership with the consortium of local NGOs, the Stamm Foundation, ODEB and COPED, organized a half-yearly evaluation session (July-December 2024) of…
Presentation of the five-year achievements and exchange of wishes for the year 2025
CANKUZO, February 12th (ABP) – The natives of the Cankuzo province, gathered alongside the administrative officials proceeded, on Saturday February 8, 2025, to the presentation of the achievements made in…