CIBITOKE/ KIRUNDO, December 6th (ABP) – Under the theme ‘Unite to end violence against women and girls’, Burundi launched a 16-day campaign against violence against women and girls last week. The
ceremonies were attended by the First Lady of Burundi, Mrs. Angeline Ndayishimiye.
The campaign was also launched at provincial level. In Cibitoke province, the governor’s chief of staff, Anicet Saïdi, called on the administrative authorities, representatives of political parties and religious denominations, and other partners to work together to eradicate gender-based violence.
Members of school management committees (CGEs) and child protection committees (CPEs), who have recently been retrained in child protection and the fight against GBV, were encouraged to take the lead in raising awareness about that violence.
The participants, in collaboration with partners in the fight against GBV, made commitments to raise awareness during the campaign. Awareness-raising sessions are planned in all the communes.
In Kirundo province, the governor’s chief of staff, Eric Nduwayezu, launched the campaign. He said that violence against women and girls was common in the province. However, statistics show a drop in the number of cases recorded, thanks to awareness-raising campaigns run by the administration and partner organisations. Mr. Nduwayezu called on couples to live together peacefully and to give priority to dialogue in the management of family property.

The representative of the women’s forum in Kirundo province, Mrs. Suavis Rukundo, made no secret of her concern about the violence against women and girls in the province. She took the opportunity to salute the efforts of the administration, which is still fighting tooth and nail to curb cases of violence, recalling that a woman was recently murdered in Busoni commune as she went about her daily business. She also called on the judiciary to prosecute all those involved in cases of violence.
The advisor to the provincial director in charge of family and social development said that the department was working to discourage the perpetrators of violence and help households to live in peace, with a view to promoting development.
He asked grassroots administrative staff to always point the finger at wrongdoers, so that they can be brought to justice. He called on the judiciary to do its job properly.
That activity was funded by the NGOs World Vision, GLID and Concern Worldwide Burundi.