• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Celebration of the international day of contraception


Oct 1, 2024

BUJUMBURA, October 1st (ABP) – The international day dedicated to contraception, generally celebrated on September 24 of each year, was celebrated on Friday, September 27, 2024, in Kabezi district, Bujumbura province, under the theme “let’s plan births to increase production” a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

All the speakers of the day stressed that the population of Bujumbura province is increasing at a high rate while resources are not keeping up, calling on couples to adopt contraceptive methods in order to control births.

The non-governmental organization Twitezimbere, in its multi-stakeholder project for family planning, wants people to have access to different contraceptive methods and for them to be available in all health facilities, according to Dr. Annick Gahimbare, representative of that NGO.

                                                       A march in support of contraception preceded the celebration of this day

The advisor to the governor of Bujumbura in charge of development, Mr. Ezéchiel Mpongera indicated that the increase in population has harmful consequences on society, citing land conflicts due to the dwindling of land, the lack of sufficient resources to feed families, the government injects a lot of funds to build schools, health centers and hospitals, equipment, staff, care, etc. He invited couples to family planning by adopting contraceptive methods.

Two couples whose husbands are under vasectomy testified that they are healthy and continue to fulfill their role as husbands, but that they cannot get pregnant. They called on others not to be afraid of vasectomy because it has no consequences on human health because they work to increase production in order to support their families and prepare a good future.

The NGO Twitezimbere congratulated and thanked them for supporting their family planning activities and gave each family two female goats that they will raise.

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