• Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

ABP - Burundi News Agency

Information attic in Burundi

End of the courtesy visit of the Head of the Burundian Diaspora Delegation to the East African Community Embassies


Sep 10, 2024

BUJUMBURA, August 30th (ABP) – On Monday 26 August, the Burundi diaspora delegation ended a tour of Burundian embassies in the East African Community, in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. On his return, the head of the delegation, Samuel Ndayiragije, told the press that the aim was to explain the Burundian diaspora’s three-year action plan for 2025-2027. He explained that 2025 will be devoted to unification and construction. The year 2026 will be devoted by the Burundian diaspora to development, explaining that the diaspora plans to conduct an agricultural mechanization campaign in Burundi. The year 2027, Mr Ndayiragije explained, would be devoted to boosting energy through renewable energies.

Mr Ndayiragije also mentioned that the Burundian diaspora has decided to contribute to Burundi’s development, by helping to achieve the vision of Burundi as an emerging country by 2040 and a developed country by 2060.

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