• Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

ABP - Burundi News Agency

Information attic in Burundi

Maize production expected for the C 2024 growing season will not be good


Sep 10, 2024

KAYANZA, August 30th (ABP) – Maize production sown during the C 2024 growing season will not be good because hybrid maize seed was not available in real time.

Those are the words of the local administrator of Muhanga in Kayanza province (north), Benoît Ndayizeye, who points out that farmers have been forced to look for unselected seed here and there to avoid delays in sowing.

However, he commended the fact that the farmers had already understood the importance of modern agriculture, and urged them to continue in the same vein. He urged the top agricultural authorities to make hybrid maize seed available in real time, so that farmers can buy it whenever they need it.

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