MAKAMBA, March 5th (ABP) – Members of the CNDD-FDD women’s league, Abakenyererarugamba, from the new Makamba commune in Burunga province have provided food to the Uwimana orphanage and the Saint Bernard rehabilitation and orthopaedic centre (CEREAP) run by the Disciples of Jesus Christ sisters, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.
The secretary of the Bakenyererarugamba in Burunga province, Mrs. Revocate Nibigira, said they had done that to support the Disciples of Jesus Christ, who contribute to the well-being of the poor and people living with disabilities.
Sister Francine Nzitonda pointed out that the Uwimana orphanage has many difficulties to overcome, including the lack of drinking water. That is a problem when it comes to caring for the 49 infants and babies.
Sister Nzitonda asked other kind souls to continue to help the orphanage by providing milk for the infants.
Félicité Gakiza of the CEREAP Saint Bernard said that the centre has plans to build other dormitories to meet the needs of the community and the region, given the large number of people who need the services offered by the centre.
She also asked that the centre be equipped with computers to enable people to take ICT courses as well as other trades learned at the center.