BUJUMBURA, December 6th (ABP) – Thefts of cows granted to the population in the Maramvya county, Mutimbuzi commune, as part of the community solidarity chain through cattle repopulation projects, are a major challenge, said Daniel Mazarahisha, Provincial Director of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock, on Monday 2 December 2024, the provincial director of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock, Daniel Mazarahisha.
He reported that six thieves were apprehended on Sunday morning, 1 December 2024, in possession of meat packed in bags. The meat was a pregnant cow stolen from a woman in the 13th Transversale in the Maramvya area and then slaughtered. The thieves were apprehended on their way to sell the meat.
More than 8 cows from the PRAIDGL project have been stolen in the very recent past, according to Mr. Mazarahisha. The investigations carried out did not reveal much, he said, adding that in some cases, the facilitators in the theft were the buyers of those cows.
He asked the public prosecutor’s office at the High Court in Bujumbura to take up that case of theft so that the perpetrators could be prosecuted in flagrante delicto and even answer for previous thefts.