• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

New member of Burundi government sworn in


Dec 13, 2024
Family photo of government members

BUJUMBURA, December 11th (ABP) – A new member of the government of the Republic, appointed on Monday December 9, 2024 by the Head of State, was sworn in on Tuesday December 10, 2024, at the Kigobe conference center, before the President of the Republic of Burundi, Evariste Ndayishimiye, the Parliament, and the Constitutional Court.

Nestor Ntahontuye, Minister of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning, replaces Audace Niyonzima. He was elected deputy for the Ruyigi province constituency and was chairman of the National Assembly’s Finance Committee.

With his right hand raised and his left hand holding the national flag and the flag of national unity, Ntahontuye pledged his loyalty to the Charter of National Unity, the Constitution and the law. “I pledge to devote all my strength to defending the higher interests of the nation, to promoting the unity and cohesion of the Burundian people, and to social peace and justice, in the performance of the duties entrusted to me. I pledge to combat all ideologies and practices of genocide and exclusion, and to promote and defend human and civil rights and freedoms,” he said.

After taking the oath, the new Minister for Economic Planning signed his firm commitment before the members of the Constitutional Court.

The swearing-in ceremony was attended by the two former Presidents of the Republic of Burundi, Sylvestre Ntibantunganya and Domitien Ndayizeye, the Vice-President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, senior members of the police and army, representatives of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited to Bujumbura, and many other dignitaries.

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