• Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

ABP - Burundi News Agency

Information attic in Burundi

Samuel’s Hope donated 174 pigs to 150 families in Nyabigina


Sep 12, 2024

MAKAMBA, September 12th (ABP) – The pig and rabbit breeding project undertaken by Samuel’s Hope at Nyabigina Village, Kabonga zone Nyanza-Lac commune Makamba province, offered on Sunday, September 8, 2024, 174 pigs to 150 families on the said village.

The founder of Samuel’s Hope and president of the Burundian diaspora, Samuel Ndayiragije, said that this project wants to increase the number of pigs so that the modern slaughterhouse being set up has raw material.

He indicated that the veterinarian of Samuel’s Hope will also be in charge of the veterinarian of the pigs offered to the people, while specifying that this farm will also offer advice related to pig farming to those beneficiaries.

The governor of Makamba province, Tantine Ncutinamagara, encouraged that act of solidarity while asking the beneficiaries to also practice agriculture since they have just had pigs that will provide manure.

She calls on other natives of the Burundian diaspora to think about actively participating in the development of their native villages.

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