• Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

Youth engaged in mushroom farming


Jan 13, 2025

BUJUMBURA, January 13th (ABP) – Mushroom farming contributes to the country’s economic growth, Mr. Gustave Muhoza, who practices this trade, told a check by ABP.

He said he started the mushroom crop farming after raising the challenges encountered with other crops that do not have selected seeds to maintain productive growth. According to him, mushrooms are non-seasonal crops that have a 28-day crop cycle.

He stressed that in order to continue doing his job well; he looked for other young people and founded a company called CHAMPI Company.

The young entrepreneur working in Maramvya, Mutimbuzi commune of Bujumbura province, said the project began 42 months ago.

He testified that today the progress of their project is estimated at 80%, because customers receive seeds at low prices per kg compared to the initial costs.

Speaking of the motivation that pushed him to cultivate the mushroom, he indicated the fact of serving the public quality food and seeds selected for farmers, in order to promote the development of the country.

Patience Ntihemuka who accompanies Muhoza, affirms that there are no small jobs, it is enough rather to open one’s eyes and feel proud of their work. Muhoza invites other young Burundians to come together to think about development activities. He asked the government to materially support young people who are going about income-generating activities.

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