BUJUMBURA, January 13th (ABP) – The Minister of Communication, Information Technology and Media, Léocadie Ndacayisaba, held a meeting on Friday, January 10, 2025 in Bujumbura with the heads of mobile phone operators and internet service providers, with a view to discussing the challenges that haunt the communication sector and establishing a roadmap to improve the quality of services in this sector.
In a welcoming speech, Ndacayisaba specified that this meeting was held after the population’s lamentations on the quality of services. To that end, she asked those concerned to do everything possible to improve the quality of services offered.
The Director General of the Telecommunications Regulation and Control Agency (ARCT), Samuel Muhizi, said that in order to closely monitor the quality standards of services offered and protect the public, instruments that make it easier to know each person’s channel have been installed since November 2024.
According to him, in Burundi, there are 3 mobile network operators and 7 internet access operators, but there is no shortage of challenges related to telephone and internet service. He mentioned some challenges related to the accessibility of the internet and mobile networks in certain parts of the country. According to him, a platform that helps to check whether the service is accessible to everyone in whatever place they are has been created. Muhizi hopes that the quality of service will be improved, so that consumers can receive favorable access to the internet.

During the discussions, the deputy director of the Lumitel Company, Didmond Mvukiye, said that Lumitel has sought solar panels that will contribute to the absence of fuel and electricity. He also added that Lumilet wants to set up other antennas to expand their channel.
Francine Ihorihoze of Econet Leo revealed the initiatives that this company is considering. This involves the use of solar energy in the 100 new sites. “This year, we will set up 50 sites and in 2026 we will set up the other 50 remaining sites,” she announced.

To conclude, the Minister in charge of ICT asked the managers of mobile phone operators and internet providers to improve the quality of service, so that the internet and mobile service is accessible to everyone.